Annual General Meeting (Friday, September 29, 2023, 2:30 PM - 3 PM) - Attendees: - Executive Board members: - Mandy Yao, Kathleen Miao, Marco Gallegos Herrada, Maggie Zhai, Pak Hop Chan, Bernard Miskic - live students: - Hengchao Chen, Michael Chong, Bingqing Li, Ziyi Liu, Michael Moon, Brandon Tam, Dingke Tang, Alex Valencia, Liam Welsh, Yan Zhang, Robert Zimmerman, Euijin Baek, Lars Kutschinski, Rudraharsh Tewary - students on Zoom: - Anthony Coache, Jorge Arturo Esquivel Fuente, Emma Kroell - Previous year executive summary (from Liam Welsh, the previous president) - Good turnout of events last year - Research day was big success - Funding discussion in September (on PLF) - Thanks to proactive students in the department! - Exit report - Will be on the website - Intoducing the new executive team - Goals for upcoming years - Reviewing Google Form responses - Upcoming events (tentative): - Park Day September 30 at 2pm - Friendsgiving event October 6 - Pancake day October 19 (should be after first year midterms on 17 and 19) - Halloween candy/movie party October 31 - Other possible dates November 3 (Friday before reading week) November 30 (last week of semester) - Potential events - Pub night - Board game party - Free food - Popular demand! - Pizza has highest popularity - Suggestions - Shared collection of board games/puzzles - Store them somewhere in the department - Chess and risk are silent games - Form a team to participate in intramurals - Squash tournament - Buy a bunch of Christmas cookies - Secret Santa - High popularity last year - Meeting alumni - Academic liaison to follow up - Workshops on scholarhip applications - Find suitable PhD students to help - e.g. past scholarship recipients - CV workshops